1 Dozen Lavender (Self Blue) Ameracauna Hatching Eggs
***We do not gurantee egg color. There are fluctuation in egg color for every breed. Our Ameracauna can lay a vibrant blue, sky blue, blue gray, green tinted, almost turquoise to a very pale blue throughout their laying cycle. The first eggs after a break in laying or from a new layer are always the most saturated.
Attn: This listing is for 1 Dozen (12) Pure Lavender (Self Blue) Ameracauna Hatching Eggs.
Our Self Blue Ameracauna stand out as a favorite here on the farm. Our customers continually comment on their friendliness and beauty. Your eggs will be pure (non-split) Self Blue Chicks. All of our parent stock meet the Ameracauna Breeders Club breed standard from their pure Self Blue color (adopted by the American Poultry Association in Spring 2020), steel legs and beaks, pea combs, with nice full muffs and beards. While egg color is not currently a measure for the standard our hens lay a beautiful range of blue to blue green eggs through their laying cycle.
Ameracaunas are often confused with Easter Eggers or Americanas* (a word created to pass off Easter Eggers as a breed). Easter Eggers, while beautiful and typically very colorful are a mix of breeds who often lay a blue/green egg.
Ameracaunas are a standard breed accepted by the American Poultry Associated with a breed standard and clubs who work to perfect this breed. We are proud to be part of the Ameracauna Breeders Club and new show exhibitors of this breed. We encourage you to visit their website to learn more.
*** Must Read Before Purchasing ***
This listing is for hatching egg pre-orders. You will select an approximate shipping date when ordering. You will be notified by email the day before your order ships. It is your responsibility to be prepared to recieve your order. You must contact us in advance if you need to change your order ship date. We will do our best to accomidate but cannot gurantee availability.
Our flocks are small, which is one way we ensure the highest quality. We esimate weekly egg production based on normal laying behavior for the season but cannot predict behavior that may impact egg laying.